Monday, February 2, 2009

Greetings all

I suppose all blogs have to begin somewhere and this is my beginning. First off is to introduce myself.

I am Charles Tholen. I currently live in Texas with my wife and two daughters. My career has involved working in IT, IT Consulting, and Software companies. For the last 13 years I have worked for various software vendors as a sales engineer in Anti Virus, Disaster Recovery, Systems Management, Security Information Management (SIM/SIEM), and Identity Management/PKI. This has given me the opportunity to work hands on with many Forture 1000 companies as they work through the challenges of security and compliance. Next, I guess I should explain what my blog will be about.

This blog will generally discuss issues, news, research, opinion, and speculation of topics relating to Information Security technologies. My intent to keep content fresh and maintain a dialog with my readers. Look for several posts a week.

As I make this jump into the blogsphere, I hope to use feedback from my readers to help shape the content and provide intelligent debate and discussion.

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